Section-8 Company

Online Section 8 Company Registration in Delhi, Gurgaon, India

The main role of enrolling a company as a Section 8 Company is to advance non-benefit destinations, for example, exchange, trade, expressions, good cause, instruction, religion, climate security, social government assistance, sports research, and so on To consolidate a Section 8 Company, at least two directors are required. Likewise, there is no prerequisite of least settled up capital on account of Section 8 Company.

A Section 8 Company is equivalent to the Section 25 Company under the old Companies Act, 1956. According to the new Companies Act of 2013, Section 25 has now become Section 8.

Benefits of Section 8 Company

  • Tax-free
  • There are no minimum capital requirements
  • No artificial paid stamp
  • Separate legal entities
  • Credible

Document required for Section 8 Company.

  • Digital signature certificate.
  • Memorandum Association
  • Articles of Association
  • Passport size photo
  • Proof of member IDs such as Aadhar cards, passports, voter IDs
  • Details of Directors (when members are other companies / LLPS)
  • Overcome proof
  • Director identification number.

Why My Registration India for Registration?

We help business with taxation problems & compliance. We use secure technology to provide online & offline services. In addition, our prices are affordable. Experienced CAs, Corporate Secretary and Tax Expert & Lawyers work with us. They help us provide quality guidance to our clients.for more info +91 9811101154
